Socrates-A Remarkable Philosopher

M.K Consulting
4 min readSep 2, 2019

There have been many influential thinkers and philosophers in the world since its inception. One of them is Socrates, a man who contributed a great deal of philosophical knowledge in the world since his active time in the fifth century. Essentially, his accomplishments have long served as the basis for other philosophers to make their arguments. Socrates was highly dedicated to transforming his society through carefully deliberated reasoning. He is commemorated for having laid the groundwork for most of the western philosophy.

Socrates was born in Athens, Greece in 469 BC and died in the same place in 399BC. He was the son of a mid-wife and a stonemason known as Sophoronicus. He was married later on in his life to Zanthippe and bore three sons. Although there is not a great deal of information regarding his parents and early life, it is known that Socrates came from a humble beginning as the occupations of his parents would not allow them to have a wealthy lifestyle. It is thought that the economic standing of his family made him have limited access to formal education. Socrates had to teach himself most of the things he wanted and predictably learned the craft of his father by working as a stonemason for some time during his early years. When the Peloponnesian War began, pitting Athens and Sparta, Socrates became a soldier fighting for Athens. As an able citizen of Athens, he was obligated to fight bravely for Athens, a calling he took up by being a foot soldier, otherwise known as a “hoplite.” He won plaudits in the army for being a soldier full of valor and courage. Socrates died after he was sentenced to death by a jury. He had been branded a traitor by the Athens authorities after speaking out against democracy. Fundamentally, he was condemned to drink poison after the jury found him guilty of impiety and ‘corrupting the youth.”. There was a high possibility of him fleeing Athens but he chose to remain and challenge his accusers in court in an epic confrontation.

Although he lacked a foundation of formal education, Socrates became interested in thinking about the world around him and explored various alternatives to existing difficult questions. He was around forty years when he began to think extensively and develop a sense of exploring philosophy. It is possible that he was influenced by earlier Chinese thinkers such as Lao Tzu or Confucius. He dedicated most of his time to exploring how people ought to behave unlike other philosophers of the time who were mostly interested in the elements of the physical world. He began walking in Athens, attracting multitudes to speak to them about his philosophies. He did not write down his ideas or philosophical thoughts but rather spoke about them to his followers.

Socrates made a significant impact on the society in Athens by talking about matters that impacted them. For example, he would gather young scholars and men in Athens and discuss the prevailing political issues and ethics to them. Notably, he opted not to provide answers to the existing questions but rather deliberated on the possible answers. He would not impose answers but famously proclaimed that he had limited knowledge by saying “I know that I know nothing.” He taught the people of Athens how to think better by questioning what they saw around them. He pinpointed people’s problems in their logic amid aggressive feedback at times. Although some people were angry at some of his teaching such as the Athens authorities, Socrates made a strong impact and had followers who later became famous philosophers such as Plato. He is most remembered for his spat with the Athenian authorities as his teachings were taken to mean that he was against democracy and challenged the power of authorities.

Socrates accomplishments narrow down to the Socratic Method. It is a unique way of looking at subjects and discussing them. It involves asking question and then deliberating on the likely answers. Socrates envisioned that the answers would contribute to development of more questions to explore and eventually lead to a comprehensive understanding of the subject at hand. Today, the Socratic Method is used wisely to deduce meanings from various difficult subjects. Markedly, Socrates left a legacy of laying a foundation for contemporary western philosophy. Not only did he influence philosophers during his time such as Aristotle and Plato but also influenced modern way of thinking by using the Socratic Method. Most law schools of public learning institutions use the method today.

In conclusion, Socrates was a remarkable philosopher, having introduced a unique way of reasoning in the form of the Socratic Method. The mode of reasoning was influential at the time, enabling him to amass a following who were interested in his teachings. He mentored other renowned philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. His contributions are still influential in the modern society as people and institutions use his way of reasoning to understand different subjects. His approach to philosophy changed how people sought knowledge and encourages people to be inquisitive.

Who do you think made as much contribution to philosophy as Socrates?

